StudyGroups are men, women and co-ed bible studies. In one word, StudyGroups are all about:
StudyGroups are a great way to meet new people and make new friends. StudyGroup content is more topical in nature. StudyGroups may focus on a certain subject like prayer, or possibly a book of the Bible or even a study by a popular Christian author. StudyGroups usually last anywhere from 4-12 weeks so it's a great way to join a StudyGroup, meet new friends, learn something new and then, when that StudyGroup is over join a new StudyGroup and meet new friends!

Men's StudyGroup
Wednesdays @ 6:30am starting June 5, 2024
Men, are you looking to deepen your understanding of faith and live a more Christ-centered life? Join us for a Bible study exploring the book, Romans: A Roadmap for the Christian Life by Lou Nicholes. This study will unpack Paul's message on sin, salvation, and living righteously. It's a great opportunity to grow in your faith alongside other brothers in Christ.

Women's StudyGroups coming this Fall!
Ladies, join us Tuesdays starting September 3rd for our next StudyGroups! You will have morning and evening options! The books are available on Amazon and Lifeway, and childcare is provided! Grab your friends, and we hope to see you there!
Let us know if you're coming!
Let us know if you're coming!
Tuesday mornings @ 9:45am:
by Jen Wilkin
by Jen Wilkin
When You Pray by Kelly Minter, Jackie Hill Perry, Jen Wilkin, Jennifer Rothschild, Jada Edwards, Kristi McLelland
The Gospel on the Ground: The Grit and Glory of the Early Church in Acts
by Kristi McLelland
by Kristi McLelland
Tuesday evenings @ 5:45pm:
Job: A Story of Unlikely Joy
by Lisa Harper
by Lisa Harper
Take Courage: A Study of Haggai
by Jennifer Rothschild
by Jennifer Rothschild

What is Discipleship Class?
Discipleship Class is a 5-week course that defines what discipleship looks like and how you can join in to be a disciple of Christ who makes disciples.
There are several opportunities here at CrossPointe, so we invite you to take part in what God is doing, specifically by joining a MicroGroup!
2024 Class Dates:
Thursdays, September 12th - October 10th
7pm- 8:15pm in the Loft.
Grab some dinner before you come and we'll hop right into what it means to make disciples!
Childcare is provided.
Discipleship Class is a 5-week course that defines what discipleship looks like and how you can join in to be a disciple of Christ who makes disciples.
There are several opportunities here at CrossPointe, so we invite you to take part in what God is doing, specifically by joining a MicroGroup!
Thursdays, September 12th - October 10th
7pm- 8:15pm in the Loft.
Grab some dinner before you come and we'll hop right into what it means to make disciples!
Childcare is provided.
Interested in more discipleship groups? Check out