The Truth of Christ!
The public ministry of Jesus has come to an end, and John 18 marks a turning point in His earthly journey. It begins in the quiet of a familiar garden, a place of retreat and prayer, now overshadowed by betrayal and arrest. Here, Jesus willingly steps into the darkness of humanity’s sin, knowing that every moment—every trial and rejection—will ultimately lead to the cross. The events of John 18 are not just a narrative of betrayal; they reveal profound truths about Jesus’ mission. He came to bring light into the world, to stand for truth, and to redeem a broken humanity. In this chapter we see Jesus’ steadfast commitment to His Father’s plan, even as He faces betrayal by a man who once followed Him, the denial of one of His disciples, unjust trials, and the rejection of His people. Over the next four weeks, we will walk through this painful chapter together, uncovering themes of betrayal, integrity, redemption, and truth. We’ll explore how Jesus’ response to these challenges offers hope and guidance for our lives today. Whether in moments of personal failure, trials, or standing for truth, Jesus’ example provides insights and applications for individuals and families seeking to live out their faith in a broken world.