Jesus' Prayer for Glory!

Oct 20, 2024    Michael Buffaloe

If there was one thing Jesus modeled more than any other, it was the need for prayer! From the very beginning of His ministry, He spent a significant amount of His time praying! Prayer was something that was a daily routine for Jesus as He sought to carry out the will of the Father, and as He did so, He set the example for us all by displaying the importance of prayer. So noticeable was Jesus’ prayer life that His disciples came to Him and requested that He teach them how to pray. Curtis C. Mitchell writes, “Beyond doubt the greatest example of correct prayer practices ever displayed were those demonstrated by Jesus Christ. So distinct was His prayer life that by simply observing it our Lord’s disciples were motivated to request instruction on the subject.” (Praying Jesus’ Way, 15). In this 6 week series we will dive into Jesus’ high priestly prayer as laid out for us in John 17 and seek to cultivate a deeper, more abiding relationship with God through prayer. Here, we will see some of the specific things Jesus prayed for, and learn why we too should be developing a daily pattern of prayer for the same things.